iPad will be big in healthcare

Over the next 18 months more than 1,800 [iPads] will be distributed to the hospital’s physicians allowing them to move away from paper-based notes, prescriptions and medical documents.

via Ottawa Hospital boss urges staff to ‘be bold … go big’.

Perhaps this goes without saying, but iPad will be big in healthcare.

Enemy Lurks in Briefings on Afghan War – PowerPoint

Like an insurgency, PowerPoint has crept into the daily lives of military commanders and reached the level of near obsession. The amount of time expended on PowerPoint… has made it a running joke in the Pentagon and in Iraq and Afghanistan.

via Enemy Lurks in Briefings on Afghan War – PowerPoint – NYTimes.com.

Reminds me of PowerPoint Palace.  “It’s dangerous because it can create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control.”

But what’s the alternative?  Writing complete sentences?  Does anyone compose those anymore?  Does anyone read anymore?

Daring Fireball: New iPhone Developer Agreement Bans the Use of Adobe's Flash-to-iPhone Compiler

My reading of this new language is that cross-compilers, such as the Flash-to-iPhone compiler in Adobe’s upcoming Flash Professional CS5 release, are prohibited. This also bans apps compiled using MonoTouch — a tool that compiles C# and .NET apps to the iPhone. It’s unclear what this means for tools like Titanium and PhoneGap, which let developers write JavaScript code that runs in WebKit inside a native iPhone app wrapper. They might be OK. The folks at Appcelerator realize, though, that they might be out of bounds with Titanium. Ansca’s Corona SDK, which lets you write iPhone apps using Lua, strikes me as out of bounds.

via Daring Fireball: New iPhone Developer Agreement Bans the Use of Adobe’s Flash-to-iPhone Compiler.

Nota bene:  Apple will release its own app front end that allows a simpler development environment (than XCode).