US as epicenter for mobile data utilization

Japan and Korea have further 3G reach but use it significantly less.

His findings support notions that Android and iPhone are controlling data use in the US. The iPhone’s current exclusive home, AT&T, and Android-favorite Verizon both make up 75 percent of American data use

via Smartphone data use up 50% in just six months | Electronista.

Is there any surprise that in the country where the iPhone and Android are most popular there is the highest data usage even though it has one of the poorest mobile data infrastructures in the developed world?

What does that say about the importance of the device (and not the network) to the adoption of data services.

There are implications about the relative power shift between operators and device vendors. Within the mobile value chain, as mobile data overtakes mobile voice, the economics and value propositions will shift. The motivation of participants will begin to diverge and a schism will occur.

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