Software is eating the world. But are users consuming software?
Every day, the software industry wastes millions of dollars developing flawed software that’s abandoned by users. Yet the industry’s focus continues to be on the supply side: client or server, full-stack or specialized, out-source or in-house.
The Jobs to be Done method presents a fresh approach. By studying the demand side, developers can focus on how products are used by consumers to overcome their daily struggles. This method has brought success to a range of popular consumer products, from Snickers to Tide Pods.
Friend of the blog IGEN has been building software with top Jobs to be Done thought leaders for the past six years. Amplified with 30 years of software development experience, this makes IGEN the ideal partner to realize the ambitions of corporate leaders, nimble startups, and multi-national initiatives, alike.
Start 2021 with a Jobs to be Done Consult for your product. IGEN will conduct 21 free, 1-hour sessions before February 21. Sign up today, first come, first serve.

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