Big in Denmark: iPhone captures 36% of phone market value

Thanks for Rob Marsh for forwarding the following snapshot of data from Denmark:

Salget af smartphones eksploderer i Danmark.

According to GfK data in Denmark, during the first quarter of 2010 29% of phones sold were smartphones. In the second quarter, the share grew to 37%. In the third quarter, 51% of units and 71% of sales value was captured by smartphones.

Looking at September alone, Apple’s share of the smartphone market was 34%. In terms of value share, 51% of all the dollars that consumers spent for smartphones, was spent on the iPhone.

In other words, in September in Denmark, iPhone captured 34%*51% = 17% of all units and 51%*71% = 36% of all mobile phone sales.

Rob adds:

iPhone 4 is now available on all (4) major networks in Denmark. iPhone 4 has not been advertised very heavily, whilst Android has received a lot of advertising. My experience travelling on public transport in Greater Copenhagen is that iPhone is everywhere, whilst Android and Blackberry is less prevalent.

To get a sense of how that compares with the global average, in the third quarter Apple’s unit share was only 4.1% while sales share comes to about 17%. Seems like there is plenty of room for growth.

While Denmark is a small country (population: about 5.5 million) and it’s not likely to reflect global patterns, it has been rated the happiest place on Earth.